Monday, October 3, 2011


I don't know if we are finding a rhythm or if my body has just accepted that feeling sleep deprived is considered the new "normal". Regardless, I feel good, and my days seem more manageable (with a few exceptions of course). I don't think I do very well with adjustments so I was pretty desperate to find our routine. I started running again this past weekend, and although I feel like I'm in terrible shape, it felt really good to get back out there. And it doesn't hurt that the weather right now is absolutely gorgeous! I've also started cooking again...not something I particularly enjoy, but again, it means things are getting back normal.

While Gemma seems to be acting more like her usual funny self, she has recently decided she no longer wants to use the toilet. I knew it was a possibility that she would regress in the potty training department, but I was REALLY hoping it wouldn't happen. It's pretty frustrating of course, but I know we'll get through it...we've done it once before right?
The last couple of days she's been a total riot. Everyday is something new...she either has a certain toy she just HAS to have with her at all times, or she wants her hair done a certain way, or she wants to wear a certain shirt. Like today for example...I let her pick out her outfit (I don't do this very often) and she got all excited and went in and grabbed her PJ's...that's right, she changed from one set of PJ's into another. I guess she just wanted to be comfortable today :)

Nanna and Papa came over yesterday with a few presents...they brought several things, but her favorite was the stuffed Winnie the Pooh. That wasn't surprising of course since she has always loved stuffed animals, but we all got a kick out of the fact that she was calling him "Pee in the Poo" hahaha. It quickly got shortened to "Pee Poo", and today she has yet to set him down.

These are her "bug boots" which she likes to wear with every outfit.

Funny story about these bug boots...she wanted to sleep with them one night so I put them in bed with her. When David went in to check on her before we went to bed, he found her sleeping with them on. The next morning when I went in to get her, she was wearing them again. Priceless!

Watching "Fox and the Hound" with Todd and Copper of course!

Makael is growing like a weed! Someone please stop him!! He weighed 6 lbs 12 oz at his two week appointment. I realize that's still small, but it means he gained 22 ounces in two weeks!

We had a really long night with him a few days ago...he decided to stay awake from 2:30 a.m. until 7:00 a.m. That was the first time I even thought about wishing he was a little older...that thought quickly vanished the next morning when I noticed his chubbier arms and legs. It was clearly just a growth spurt :) Thankfully we haven't had a night like that since.

He's changing so much from day to day. It's amazing how fleeting the newborn phase is. I have yet to get one out of him, but Lita was lucky enough to get his first intentional smile today.

Isn't he just precious!!


  1. Ok I have to correct the boots in bed story. When she went to bed the boots were just in bed with her. About 20 minutes after we put her down she started yelling. Audrey went in to check on her and found out that her cup of milk was stuck in one of the boots, which was the problem causing the yelling. After Audrey rescued the cup Gemma decided she wanted to wear her boots. Later when I went to bed, around 10:30 I took her boots off while she was sleeping. The next morning when Audrey went in to get her she was wearing the boots again. So at some point during the night Gemma woke up and put the boots back on haha.

  2. hahaha, funny. I love that she stuck her cup in the boots!

  3. Funny, none of our kids looked like Bev and I often cannot ever tell who looks like who when seeing babies. But in the picture above I think Makael looks like Bev!

  4. Anonymous10/04/2011

    Must be the skinny legs!!!! Haha! Nana
