Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Makael at 7 weeks

Well, it's happening, the boy is chubbing up. He really doesn't eat all that much. I still have a hard time getting him to drink even two ounces from a bottle, but clearly it's enough to put some rolls on him. I guess that's what happens when you're basically drinking butter.
We went to the doctor today for Thrush. I knew he had it so I was a little annoyed that I had to make a special trip just to confirm it, but it was fun to find out how much he weighs anyway. He is now 9 lbs, 6 oz and in the 10th percentile! That doesn't seem very high, but considering he was born in the 2 percentile, he's clearly sneaking up the charts.
I'm not sure why this is, but he tends to have over night growth spurts. He will seem the same to me for a couple of weeks, but then on random days, I'll go in to get him in the morning and he's chubbier, cuter, and ready to show me he can do something new. It's kind of exciting actually. For example, a couple of days ago, I realized he was almost 6.5 weeks old and I started feeling somewhat hopeless about getting more sleep any time soon. At that age Gemma was already sleeping 7 hr stretches, and he hadn't been going more than 3. Well, I guess he read my mind because at exactly 6 weeks and 3 days, he decided to sleep six and a half hours. It was marvelous! And I didn't even wake up a gazillion times wondering if he was still breathing...which means I got six and a half hours of sleep too! AMAZING!! The next morning he was not only heavier, but also had more hair...David and I both noticed it. The best part is that the 6 hr stretches have continued ever since.
Not only is he sleeping more, but he's getting more interactive. He now waves his hands, kicks his feet, and coos when he smiles. The boy is just flat out cute!! And he now scoots when he's on his belly...I know, no 7 week old should be scooting, but I can't say I'm surprised, he's always been a wiggler.

I FINALLY got his room mostly finished. All I have left to do is order pictures for the frames.

This picture cracks me up. I think it's funny he's so in to Baby Einstein already.

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