Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

I have always loved the month of October. The weather cools down, the leaves turn, and everything seems more cozy with the anticipation of Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner. The only thing that ruins it, is Halloween. I've never understood why people like to dress up as ghosts and witches and decorate their houses with monsters and graves. And to make it worse, every decent t.v. show is replaced with some sort of gory horror movie.
Last night however, I experienced Halloween as I have never experienced it before. I spent the evening going from house to house with the cutest lady bug you'll ever see. I took Gemma on her first trick-or-treat outing and can't remember the last time I had so much fun. She didn't really take to it initially. She reluctantly went up to the first door and then cried when the nice lady put candy in her bucket. I was nervous about how the rest of the night would go. Thankfully, aunt Elly came to the rescue and opened a piece of candy for her and explained that the rest of the candy was going to go into her bucket for later. I guess I should have thought of that, but I was busy taking pictures. Once she grasped the whole concept, her demeanor completely changed and she began going from door to door like she had done this whole trick-or-treat business a hundred times. Gosh it was cute!! I wish I could have video taped the whole night. I think I might have had more fun than she did.
Makael obviously stayed back this year. But I already can't wait for next year when he can join in on the fun.

I wanted to be able to post all the pictures, but that would take so long, I decided to just post a link to the album. Please let me know if it doesn't work.


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