Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Full Term!

Well, we're finally there. Baby #2 can get here at any time...really, any time now. I'm so ready!

I have to admit, I've really enjoyed the last month. Yes, I know, I've been saying the complete opposite for most of this pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, being pregnant is still not my favorite thing in the world, but there's nothing better than having the actual baby, so as D day approaches, excitement mounts, and pregnancy becomes more fun. Plus I'll definitely miss feeling him/her wiggle around.

So now that we're at 37 weeks, I'm fully expecting all those symptoms I wrote about in a previous post to start (discomfort, anxiety, loss of sleep, etc.) However, I haven't started the whole "waiting" game just yet. I purposefully held off doing certain things so I would have plenty to do to keep me pre-occupied. My plan for this week is to deep clean the whole house. I've written out a day-to-day schedule so it's all done by the end of this week. We'll see if it actually gets done... if not, I guess I'll have plenty to do next week too. I still have a few things to do in the nursery as well, but mainly just organizing things.

I started packing hospital bags yesterday. Such a surreal feeling. I think it is a little more fun packing this time because I fully understand what it means. It's close! And life is about to change in a dramatic way. Obviously I knew that when I was pregnant with Gemma, but having experienced it once already makes it so much more clear.

As excited as I am, I do have moments when I feel like my time with Gemma is coming to an end, and it's just depressing. Obviously, our time isn't really coming to an end, but it is about to change so I'm trying to get as much "us" time as I possibly can. I was looking through old videos yesterday, and I was trying my hardest to not get teary eyed. You should go back to the very first video and see if you can keep the tears back...okay, you probably can...still cute though. She's a completely different little girl now than she was just 5 months ago. Her unsteady walk has turned into a steady run, her hair has grown about 3 inches, and her voice has changed. I'm not usually the sentimental or emotional type, but I can't help it. I wish I could blame it all on pregnancy hormones, but I can't. Watching your kid grow up is both happy and sad...it's emotional.
Anyway, after watching old videos, I realized I needed to post some more current ones. She's a lot of fun! I also have a few pictures that I'll upload later this week :)

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