Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Potty Training...again

Yes, here we are again. I must admit, I have been dreading this ever since our last attempt. However, I've been reminding myself that it really isn't a big deal if she doesn't get it. Most kids aren't potty trained until after 2, I've even heard that it's best to not even try before then. The only reason I'm going against that advice is because the possibility of having Gemma out of diapers before the baby arrives, is much too appealing.

Monday morning I decided to try it again. I really had no set plans to try that day, but when I found her diaper almost dry when she woke up, I asked her if she wanted to go potty on the toilet...she said yes... and it was a success. I can't even explain how proud I was of her. She did have two accidents throughout the day, but she managed to tell me 90% of the time, and even took herself without any prompting while watching Diego (I brought her little seat downstairs).

Tuesday, we tried with undies on instead of letting her run around with nothing. She didn't do as well with those, mainly because I think it gave her a sense that she was wearing a diaper, but she still did amazing.

Today hasn't been as great, but I expected to have a few hard days. Overall I think she's getting it. I don't want to get too excited yet though.

On a completely different note...David and I celebrated our 5th year anniversary this past Friday. We took a two day trip to Kansas City and had a blast. David had a whole folder of things we wanted to do and i think we managed to complete "maybe" 25% of it. Ha! We got to sleep in every morning, go shopping, eat really good food, and just relax. We also went to a soccer game...I thought I was going to die of heat stroke for the first 20 minutes we were there, but it eventually cooled down a bit and I survived. For future reference, soccer games+ 100 degree weather+ 8 months pregnant= not a great idea.

It was a little strange to think about it being our last trip before baby #2 gets here. I think it's funny how it seems strange to us that we are going to have another baby soon, yet in just a couple of months it will seem weird to not have #2 with us. I remember life before Gemma, but life without her now seems strange. On our last day in KC, David and I both mentioned how much we missed her. I'll also confess, that after all the shopping we did, the purchase I was most excited about was the little tea set we got her.

I get sad when i think of sharing my love with another baby. Sad for both of us really. I'm sad the relationship we have now will change. I feel guilty she'll have to see me love another baby as much as I love her, and I also sometimes get jealous that she'll share special moments with her brother or sister that I won't be able to partake in. These are normal feelings right? It's not just me? I'm sad to see things change, but I'm also very excited to experience everything as a family of four. WOW!

I've been working on the nursery and buying the essentials for a newborn again. Having a second makes you realize, at a new level, what a blessing baby showers are. It's expensive even when you have all the big things (crib, car seat, changing table, etc.) But I'm loving getting things ready. There is so much anticipation as the due date approaches! A couple of times throughout this pregnancy I have wished I knew the gender, but the closer it gets, the happier I am we didn't find out. I can't wait to meet the little guy or little gal!

1 comment:

  1. Two things:

    1) "For future reference, soccer games+ 100 degree weather+ 8 months pregnant= not a great idea."

    This made me laugh.

    2) "I get sad when i think of sharing my love with another baby. Sad for both of us really. I'm sad the relationship we have now will change. I feel guilty she'll have to see me love another baby as much as I love her, and I also sometimes get jealous that she'll share special moments with her brother or sister that I won't be able to partake in. These are normal feelings right? It's not just me? I'm sad to see things change, but I'm also very excited to experience everything as a family of four. WOW!"

    This is beautiful on so many levels. Thank you for giving us a peek into the heart of a mother and for perfectly describing those emotions that occur in that moment when Baby No. 2 is about to make his/her appearance.
