Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tea time

Some new facts about Gemma:
- She weighs 26.4 lbs
- She's 2 ft 8 cm tall.
-Her current favorite movie is "Fox and the Hound", or as she calls it "Fok in the Town".
-She wants to wear pig tails every day now.
-Necklaces are her latest obsession. She wears them non stop, won't leave the house without them, and if I didn't take them away for naps and bed time (choking hazard), she would wear them to sleep too.
-She can now say her name perfectly.
-She's basically potty trained!
-"hold you" has turned into "hold you me" (I'm a little sad about this one)

We've been playing outside much more with how great the weather has been and David decided to teach Gemma how to play hopscotch. I think David had more fun than Gemma though. After a few tries, she decided to go back to just drawing with the chalk, David kept playing hahahaha.

Here's daddy giving the illustration-

Gemma's turn...

She doesn't really know how to "hop" yet, but it was cute watching her skip.

She has really starting using her imagination when she plays. The other day I found her playing with her little rubber duck. I guess he (I'm assuming it's a "he") was sick because she took his temperature and then said, "no fever, you feel better". That wasn't even the cutest part...she also laid out her blue necklace and was pretending it was the duck's pond. I thought that was pretty clever.

This is one of my favorite pictures. There's nothing cuter than seeing a little girl play "tea time" with her daddy. I took several of course, I just don't have the patience to upload all of them.

She caught a virus this past week. It all started last Sunday (a week and a half ago) when she spiked a 103 fever. Thankfully that only lasted a day and a half. Then she got all hoarse and had a nasty cough for the rest of the week. Finally she broke out in hives. I think the hives scared me the most, but the doctor didn't seem too concerned and said it was probably due to the fact that her immune system had been low from the virus. They look pretty nasty, but they don't seem to bother her much. Benadryl seems to be doing the trick :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/19/2011

    I love this post! Well, except for the picture of the hives. That looks painful. The pictures of skipping and tea party are adorable--and Gemma is cute, too. LOL David it was fun to see you enjoying your little girl. Audrey, we need a few pics of you and Gemma. Nana
