1. She successfully told me and used the bathroom while we were at Target.
2. She has been able to go a full two days with no accidents.
3. She has gone at other people's houses without any problem.
4. I can leave her in the basement with nothing on, and trust her to sit down on her little seat even when I'm not there to remind her. Wooohoo!!
Obviously, we'll get to the point when it's no longer such a big deal, and it will probably even annoy me that she's potty trained because she'll be asking me to take her at the most inconvenient times...until then, I'm SOOOOO proud of her!
Showing Elmo how it's done.
We've recently reached another significant milestone...ladies and gentlemen...Gemma can now wear pigtails!!!! They still resemble little horns more than pigtails, but man o man is it ever adorable!
How cute is that face?!
Baby #2 is almost here, believe it or not. I had my 34 week appointment this past Tuesday, and everything is looking great. I go back at 36 weeks and then begin going in weekly. I can't even believe that.
The nesting phase is here in full force. I have all sorts of things I want to get done, but haven't been able to because I've been busy doing a ton of other things I didn't know I wanted done. Ha! I know I'll get to it all eventually.
This is my favorite time during pregnancy. When time starts to speed up, you suddenly become super productive, it hits just how soon this baby will be here, and you start having a hard time sleeping because you're both scared out of your mind and stupid excited . Unfortunately, this is followed by one of the worst times... when you hit the "full term" mark. Exhaustion sets in once again, time slows down to a crawl because all of those things you wanted to get done, are done. And so, the waiting game begins. You have nothing to do but think about all the things you are feeling and wonder if they are signs of labor. Those sleepless nights due to nervous excitement turn into sleepless nights from having to get up and pee every time you even think about rolling over. And your evening ritual includes praying this baby doesn't decide to stay past it's due date.
I'm pretty sure God designed it this way on purpose. If it was all fun and dandy until the very end, our world would come crashing down on us the second that baby was home. If you've had kids, you know that's when the real work begins. So for now, I'm going to enjoy my "nesting phase" and deep clean as much as I want!
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