Monday, January 31, 2011

Our little blueberry

Here he/she is! I had my first doctors appointment today, and everything seems to be going well. Last week I was tempted to take another pregnancy test because I felt so great, "there was just no way I was pregnant"...well the nausea hit hard on Saturday and hasn't gone away since. I was able to forget how sick I felt as we watched and listened to the heart beat. I wish the Doc would have given me a longer video.


  1. Definitely a girl!

    Ps....can you rename these blogsites? I think my next niece might get jealous that the blog has her older sisters name.....Also, I will need a picture with both of them to be my new profile picture.

  2. Well, I think I'll keep the blog address the same, just to keep things simple (at least for now) but I did change the title. This way baby "girl" won't feel left out. I'm glad you have a feeling as to what it might be...I'm clueless!

  3. I like the new name. It's what Haley has been calling her class for the past few years!
