Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Stuff

Well, Gemma still isn't a full fledged walker yet, but she's getting there. She still crawls more than she walks, but she's getting more and more confident by the day. Her first set of molars on top and bottom are finally in. This may not seem like a very big deal to some of you, but believe me, I'm thrilled! She can be pretty demanding while she's teething :)
Her vocabulary continues to amaze us. She communicates mostly with words now. These are my current favorites: bobby (mommy), elbo (elmo), and opi (open).

The most important development...Gemma is going to be a big sister! Definitely a surprise. David and I had been talking about when we wanted another baby, and it was probably going to be soon, but we definitely weren't expecting it to be this soon. David is really excited....I'm getting there. According to my calculations, ETA is September 20th, we'll know for sure after my first appointment (Feb 9th). I know, I know...I can't believe I'm going to be pregnant for the whole summer either. HA! Let's all pray for a mild summer this year. Gemma obviously is unaware of what's going on, or that her world is going to completely change come September, but in the mean time she's having fun saying "sister". I'll definitely keep everyone updated along the way.

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