So what to talk about....
In the last two days, Gemma has really started taking initiative with walking. She doesn't get very far yet, but she's making attempts on her own. It's pretty cute. I could just sit and stare at her try and walk all day long. She's so proud of herself.
So far, everything with the baby is going well. I have had some moments of nausea, and although it has been very minor, it makes me nervous that it has started so soon. I didn't start feeling sick with Gemma until week 6, it never got "horrible", and it was very short lived. I'm praying for a similar experience this time.
My left eye started bothering me a few days ago, so I haven't been able to see very well, or keep my eyes open for very long due to light sensitivity. Apparently, it's not uncommon for women with sensitive eyes to have issues when they're pregnant due to the extra proteins released. I definitely fall in that category since last time I had a similar issue, I was exactly 5 weeks pregnant too. Weird. Well, now I know. A few days of antibiotics (eye drops) and I should be fine.
I've also gotten a cold. Ugh! Like feeling fatigued all day, feeling a little sick to my stomach, and not being able to see well isn't I can't breath! But don't worry, I'm not feeling sorry for myself hahahaha. I really can't complain though, every time I sneeze, I get a "bess you!" from a sweet 14 month old. How can that not make me feel better?!
I'm finally starting to get excited about another baby. I'm a little overwhelmed with all the projects that need to be done before September (which doesn't seem that far away), but I'm looking forward to meeting our second kiddo!
We won't be finding out the sex of the baby this time either. I know it makes planning and preparing a little more difficult, but I love the excitement and anticipation of waiting until the birth. Girl or Boy, we will be thrilled. Maybe it will be both....Ha! NO!
Thanks! I will get your antibiotics and I hope you feel better soon on all fronts - cold, eye, nausea. Despite all of that Audrey was up before 6 am this morning to read and work out. She is amazing.
ReplyDeleteHer eyelashes look really long in this picture
ReplyDeleteThis is picture is another one of my favorites. Some pictures that stick out in my mind: the one with the pink hat, the one where she is climbing into the chair in her ballerina suit and Micky Mouse is peering over her shoulder, the one where she is reading the menu in the restaurant and only her bow is seen, the one where her finger is in her mouth and she is contemplating the Christmas tree, the one where she is looking at flowers in the park, the one with green hat and one eye showing, the one in the pumpkin patch where she is sitting on her daddy's lap and they are looking at each other, the one where she is stretching her arms and fingers out to her other grandma. This one where she is looking at the snow will be exchanging the one in the pink hat on my computer desktop for awhile.
ReplyDeleteFavorite videos: the one where she is screaming and chasing Max, the handstand (not only is the handstand a riot, but her noises while she is trying to get up and her little laugh when Mommy says 'Good job!', and how she sticks one leg out trying to see what is under the cabinet), the one where her mommy is counting to three and coming up over the cushion to scare her (I love the way the suspense makes her open her mouth wide on two), and the last part of the other scaring one where she spreads her fingers real wide and gives a deep belly laugh.
ReplyDeleteLooking at my favorite pictures, I see that a lot of them don't have her looking straight on at the camera. I guess because some part of her character is showing through is the reason why I like the action pictures where her face may not be seen. Like the finger spread one.....she is so imploring and urgent about her requests. This last picture of her looking at the snow.....besides being beautiful, it shows how she enjoys discovery and she doesn't seem to be afraid of new things.
ReplyDeleteFavorite words at this time: Bobby (Mommy), Oze (Zoe), Ladoh (later), and Opi (open). Of course, all my favorites will change as she starts saying other words.
ReplyDeleteLater....she pronounces it Laydoh.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I would agree that most of the great pictures of her, are when she's not looking at the camera. I think they captures her personality so much more. All of those words you mentioned are also in my top favorites, but I think "bess you" is the cutest by far. She woke up really early one morning so I brought her to bed with me on one of the mornings I had a cold. I sneezed and she whispered "bess you". It was soooo sweet!!
ReplyDeleteDavid was telling me that "bess you" story in the hotel. I can't wait to see her again!