Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Post of 2013

It's quarter to 11:00 p.m. and I'm fighting to stay awake until midnight.  Funny how it used to be no big deal to stay up until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning.

Unlike previous years, I'm not sad to be saying goodbye to the holidays. Our month of December was a whirlwind and I'm ready to ring in the New Year and start over...with hopefully a low key January. Aside from being incredibly busy with the usual holiday festivities and parties, we've had to deal with sicknesses, cranky kids due to one too many late nights, fixing vehicles, and even ending the month with an ER trip and an emergency appendectomy (poor daddy).  Intermixed with all of that craziness we had some wonderful moments too, like finding out we're having a baby girl,  getting to tell our families that she is a "she", and celebrating Christmas with our wonderful families. We are so blessed! But yes, I'm ready for the new year. The 2014 calendar is on the wall, and there's so much to look forward to.  This time next year, we will be ringing in 2015 with 5 year old, 3 year old, and a 7 month old.  Crazy!

So about this new baby girl... she's a mover! First of all, it's a little surreal knowing she is a she. We didn't find out the sex with the other two, so I'm used to just saying "the baby" or "it" when I'm pregnant. I haven't gotten used to saying "she" and "her" yet. It's getting easier by the day though, especially with how much she lets herself be known.  She's by far the most active baby I've had.  She will kick non stop for hours at a time. She never stopped kicking during the 4 hours I was at the ER with David.  My stress level might have something to do with that, but I have to admit it was comforting to feel her while we waited to find out what was going on.
I was able to get two ultrasounds this month so I've gotten to see her twice.  I love it!  She spent the the entirety of both ultrasounds doing sit-ups...not even kidding.  Both technicians commented on how hard it was to take her measurements because she was moving so fast...which is all fine and dandy, but I hope she mellows out some before she's born hahaha. Gosh I can't wait to see her! The nursery decorating has already begun...I'm going to have fun with this one :)

Happy New Years everyone! Here's to an exciting and wonderful 2014!

1 comment:

  1. Holidays can be exhausting especially for little ones, and consequently their mommies.
