Friday, January 17, 2014

First post of 2014

So far we are off to a great start to 2014.  Besides my obnoxious cold everyone else has been healthy, and overall, it has been a relaxing month. Which is exactly what we needed after our December.

I'm planning on taking Makael in for a weight check (doctor's orders) in the next couple of weeks. I've been holding off taking him since he's been so healthy.  Knowing our track record, I'll take him in for a casual weight check and be back the following week because he's sick.  It's seems like I see the pediatrician in phases. We won't be in there for months at a time, and then boom, we are in there every other day because they decide to take turns getting sick. Inevitably it's a virus they can't do anything about, so we are sent home feeling miserable with doctor's orders to "wait it out".  Anyway...He seems to be doing really well.  I don't know if he's moving up in the weight percentages, but he seems to be getting taller and he's still as active and energetic as ever.  That boy can run, and run fast!  His current favorite thing to play is "trains".  He runs from one end of the house to the other yelling "choo-choo, pshhhhhh (steam coming out), all aboard!!".  I'm not exaggerating when I say he'll do this for 45 minutes to an hour at a time...non stop.  He'll go longer if Gemma decides to play as well.
I might be a little biased, but I think he's pretty smart. He's proven himself in the verbal department recently and I knew he knew all of his colors, but the other day he started pointing at different numbers and saying them out loud.  I'm assuming Gemma has been giving him lessons on the side, because I know for a fact I haven't been teaching him his numbers.
His newest phrases are "I promise", and "what's going on guys?" that are pretty dang adorable, and elephants (stomping elephants to be exact) are still his favorite animal.

Gemma is in an interesting phase right now...and by interesting I mean HARD. She's been testing both David and I in the parenting department.  It's emotionally draining trying to figure out how to discipline certain attitudes and behaviors, and I just hope we are moving in a positive direction.  She's a very strong willed, opinionated, and independent little girl, which are all attributes I love about her, but are currently making life somewhat challenging.
She's still loving school, and I keep getting positive feedback from her teachers, but it's been harder and harder to wake her up in the mornings to get her ready.  She's starting to like sleeping in.  I think we are getting a nice preview of her teenage years hahaha.  Once she's "awake" though, she's excited to get to school and see her friends!
Painting and playing Temple Run are her current favorite things to do.  Her cousin Caden introduced her to Temple Run, and she is GOOD!  I have yet to be able to beat her highest score.

Baby girl (still weird saying that) seems to be doing well. She's not as active as she was a few weeks ago (not necessarily a bad thing), but she's definitely getting bigger.  I'm thinking she might be my biggest baby of the three. That would be good though, I'm hoping she's at least 6.5 lbs at birth. It was a little scary having one almost drop below 5 lbs.  It's been fun (that word is relative) being pregnant for a 3rd time and being able to compare everything.  I've had one of each, and yet this time has been completely different in every way.  The only similarity I have found between my two girl pregnancies is the fact that my mood swings are more stable.  I was a hot mess with Makael.
I spent this last week going through all of my baby clothes and selling everything I could. Unfortunately, clothes don't keep as well as I thought they would in storage, and this baby is going to be born in the opposite season as Gemma, so I got rid of almost everything.  I feel like I'm almost having to start all over again. Thanks to a good friend though, she'll be well dressed this coming summer :)
The most exciting news right now is that she finally has a name! I'm only 23 weeks pregnant so this is HUGE! I find that picking a name is one of the hardest things about having a kid.  It's too much pressure and I tend to over analyze everything! But we are keeping it a secret until she's please don't ask me what it is.  I'm a terrible liar when it comes to this sort of thing :)  I'll say one thing though...I think it's perfect!


  1. I would like to state that Makael and I play dot to dot, and we point out numbers. I am sure he didn't learn them all at that time, but we did do a some studying together. :) Not homeschool, mind you…. but just so you know that being with 'Puita' is not a complete wasted time of eating candy and watching stomping elephants and pooping crocodiles on Netflix.

  2. Hahahaha...well that actually makes sense then, because I know I haven't taught him them.

  3. Love this whole update! I have some activity books for G and M! I'll stop by next week;)
