Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Recital night

Last night was Gemma's first dance recital.  Let me just tell you, I had been looking forward to this since the idea of enrolling her in dance classes first came up. So excited!

There is currently some construction going on where she takes classes, so the Christmas recital was very low key this year.  It was just a handful of classes on her night (only the other classes that also meet on Tuesdays), we didn't have to pay for her costume, and it was free to all the guests! Nonetheless, I was excited. That's not to say she hasn't been just as excited. She's been asking me for weeks who all was going to come watch her. She woke up yesterday morning knowing it was recital day and asked me if I knew where her red tutu was, she was also very adamant about not being late for it. While she was at school I bought a few last minute things she needed, and planned the rest of the day around the recital so we would have plenty of time to get ready. She seemed a little tired after school (didn't eat much and didn't want to play very long on the jumpy toys at the mall) but she was still excited about her recital, so we just went home and had a mellow afternoon.  Getting her ready was a heck of a lot of fun!  She got her outfit on, I put her hair up, put some make-up on her, and smothered her in glitter! She looked as cute as cute can be.  Forty minutes before we had to leave, she started wining a little and saying her legs and arms hurt, then her head, and finally her stomach.  Knowing Gemma, I figured she might need to go to the bathroom (those of you who know her, know what I'm talking about). Once it was time to go she was acting pretty emotional and telling me she just wanted to go to sleep. She cried the whole way there. After we got inside and to where we were supposed to be, I took her coat off and instantly realized she was running a fever..and she was still crying.  I calmed her down enough to where she was willing to go on stage and sit down next to her friend Zoey, but unfortunately there were still 15 minutes before the recital started. My excitement had officially switched to worry and nerves. She didn't make it :(  Right before the curtain went up I heard her crying and had to go get her. We watched her classmates do their adorable dance and then headed out.  She wanted nothing to do with anything or anybody except going home.  She even declined a cookie from Santa! The car ride home was a quiet one, she slept in the back while I fought off tears from feeling disappointed and also feeling guilty I didn't realize she was sick sooner.  Oh well :(  Thankfully a dose of Tylenol broke her fever shortly after we got home, and she slept well all night long.

This morning we made a little video for everyone who came to the recital and didn't get to see her dance. We put on most of her recital costume, she made up a little dance, and then apologized for not being able to perform (totally her idea). Sweet girl! She let me know that for her next recital, we need to feel her forehead before we go, "just in case". Duly noted Gemma!

Here are some pictures I took (not the best) right after we finished getting ready and before things started going down hill...

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