Tuesday, February 21, 2012


All signs point to teething now (increased fussiness, gnawing, slobbering, restless nights) and yet I feel nothing on his actual gums. I rubbed my finger over his lower gums yesterday and though there was no sign of a tooth, you would have thought I had punched him or something by the scream he let out. Poor little man! I'm pretty excited for him to get teeth, not only because he'll no longer be in pain, but because his already adorable smile is only going to get cuter!

Aside from the teething, he is so much fun these days! I love how he gets so animated when he's excited about something. Typically, cereal, baths, and being naked are the three things that make him get the most excited...lots of grunting, flailing arms , kicking feet, squeals, etc. It's so cute! He's also getting really good at traveling around the room. I'm not really sure how he does it, since I never actually see it, but if I look away for just a few seconds, he 's always 2 feet away from where I put him. He's also getting to be quite the escape artist in the bouncy seat. I don't think I ever used the straps even once with Gemma, but if I don't buckle Makael in, he ends up on the floor. And to think he's not even crawling yet!

Baby Einstein is his FAVORITE! He will lay on the floor and watch (usually moving himself in circles) an entire 30 minute episode. I have several videos and he has made it pretty easy to figure out which ones are his favorites. It's nice to have something that will entertain him for a bit so I can get things done.

"I definitely feel a tooth mom"

"Watch me mom, I bet I can roll off!"

"Getting out of this gets more and more fun each time"

"Baby Eistein is the best!"

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE these pictures. Great post. He is quite the wiggler.
