Wednesday, February 8, 2012

5 months

We went in for Makael's weight check, and at five months he weighs 13 lbs, 3 oz, and is 24 inches tall. Still hanging on in the 2 percentile for both height and weight. The doctor and I were both glad to see he hadn't dropped off the charts.

Makael's life at 5 months includes...

  • cereal! His pediatrician said he usually recommends starting solids at six months, but didn't have a problem with me giving him cereal. He loves it, which makes me somewhat excited to start introducing fruits and veggies in a month.
  • sleep training. This is as enjoyable as taking him in for shots... It's heart wrenching! Again, the pediatrician recommended I wait until 6 months...but I had to go against his advice on this one. I know from experience that the older they get, the harder it is. Last night was the first night and I can already see improvements, but I'm going to save all the details (even why I decided it was necessary) until we get through it and I can give a full recap. Probably later this week :)
  • a new obsession with his daddy: Remember how I said I was his favorite person? I'm not so convinced anymore. He LOVES David! And what really baffles me is that David doesn't even have to try. The second Makael realizes David is around he starts making whatever noises he can to get David's attention,. The instant David acknowledges him, it's ear to ear smiles. It's pretty cute actually, I just wish he would put in that much effort for my attention.
  • wanting more independence: He's getting really dang close to sitting on his own, but his ultimate goal is to crawl. During tummy time he fixes on a certain toy, and concentrates really hard as he grunts and stretches every which way trying to grab it. He has actually started moving forward a little, but not enough for him to realize it before he gets frustrated and starts crying. I'm not usually the one to wish for the "next phase", but I think he'll be much happier once he can move around a little bit.

On a different note...I've decided that having kids in the winter is hard. They just take turns being sick. Both of them had the stomach bug last week, and this week Gemma is congested, running a fever, and has a pretty nasty cough. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Makael gets its. I'm ready for warmer weather!

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