Friday, March 2, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things

I love going back and reading pasts posts. It's amazing how much I forget...even those things I think I never will. So this is specifically meant to "document" some of Gemma's current favorites.

  • Puzzles- Putting puzzles together is by far her favorite thing to do right now...and man is she good at them. I'm not sure if she's advanced in this area or not, but I'm sure impressed by her. Not only does it impress me that she can basically put any puzzle together by herself, but also the length of time she can sit and concentrate. The only puzzle she hasn't been able to completely finish on her own is a 48 piece picture of a pirate ship, but she has sat for 40 minutes trying. It's pretty crazy.
  • Riding the merry-go-round at the mall... or as she calls it, "the horsy round". I can't even count how many times she's been on it. She always decides on our way to the mall what animal she wants to ride. It's a big decision after all. Typically, she chooses the bear, the cat, or the horse, but occasionally she'll decide on the lion or the tiger.
  • Hide and go Seek- This is probably the cutest thing in the world! She still hasn't figured out that just because her face is hidden, doesn't mean we can't see her. But of course we humor her and love every second of "finding" her.
  • Going to the park- Luckily, we've been able to go a lot this winter with it being so warm. I have no doubt she'll want to be outside as much as possible this summer, and this year we'll have a pool membership!
  • Wearing Hats- She has a pretty good collection of sun hats which she pulls out on a daily basis and takes turns wearing all of them. Hopefully the enjoyment lasts into the summer when it will actually be beneficial to wear a hat
  • Taco Bell- We have made it a tradition to meet David for lunch about once a week, and TB is where we go almost every time since it's so close to his work. She loves their cheese roll ups! If I gave her the option, she would eat one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Chocolate milk- This is the cure all, go to beverage. It will instantly put her in a good mood regardless of the situation.
  • Grandpa crackers- The first time she ever had Wheat Thins was at Lita and Grandpa's house, and for some reason got it in her head that they were Grandpa's crackers she was naturally that's what they are called.
  • Go Diego Go- I'm not sure why she has suddenly decided she likes Diego more than Dora, but it's the only thing she ever wants to watch these days. I have to's a pretty good show.
  • ALL of her stuffed animals: I have no clue where she learned to love them so much or where they even all came from. They mysteriously keep reproducing but she keeps track of them and plays with all of them equally. It's like she has them on rotation or something... though her favorites are Tiger, Kitty, and her little dog Harley.

This picture shows how beautiful she's getting...

While this one reflects more accurately her personality. Ha!

1 comment:

  1. Lita (Grandma)3/09/2012

    I thought it hilarious when I found a missing puzzle piece after a long search. Gemma held up her 'telescope' (a plastic tube) to inspect it to see if it was the right piece. She then grabbed the puzzle, looked at it again, and said, "Good job, Lita!"
