Friday, November 25, 2011


I'll start off by saying that I am unbelievably thankful for my two beautiful kids. God is good!

Makael spent his first Thanksgiving with 33 people at Nana and Papa's house. There was a lot going on all day long, and he didn't want to miss one second of it, so he refused to nap besides 10 minutes here and there. Thankfully the lack of sleep didn't seem to mess with his mood much and he gladly handed out smiles to anyone that asked for them. He's such a sweet boy! Gemma also did really well with no nap. It was definitely a fun filled day for all of us.

The best part of the day however was hearing Makael's first laugh. As I was getting him ready for the day, I happened to lean over him at just the right (or wrong) time and startled him. His eyes got huge before he let out the funniest cackle. It was so adorable! I got him to do it one other time but then he refused once David came into the room. Of course! I can't think of many things that are better than hearing your baby laugh for the first time.

The rest of our holiday weekend has been pretty lazy. I've been running a fever and David got pink eye so we've been laying low. Amazingly enough, the kiddos have been on their best behavior and so stinken cute, that we've both been able to relax and get better.

You wouldn't believe how hard it was to get this video! If Makael sees the camera, he just gets wide eyed and I had to keep the camera hidden, make sure he was still in the shot, and play peek-a-boo all at the same time. Not easy!

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