Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Party of 5!

Fall is here! Well sort's still a little warm for my taste, but colder weather is on it's way  There's a tree in my back yard that has a pretty large patch of orange and red leaves and it makes me giddy to look at it.

Gemma is absolutely loving preschool. I wish she was actually going more than twice a week. She gets impatient on days she's home, and I currently don't have the energy to get us out of the house as much as she would like. Tuesday is by far her favorite day of the week, not only does she get to go to school, but she also gets to go to dance class.  So far, three of her teachers have mentioned to me how good of a student she is. I don't know what that means exactly in a preschool setting, isn't it mainly organized play time? I'm proud of her none the less and grateful she is doing so well.
She continues to be a coloring machine.  I thought it would be fun for her if I taped up her "art projects" on her bedroom wall, but I've quickly realized I have to be extremely choosy on which ones make it to the wall. Otherwise her entire room would be filled up by now.
Today she wanted to write out the whole alphabet, but she started on the right side of the page instead of the left. What was interesting to me is that all of her letters were backwards, perfectly written, but facing the wrong way. Once she ran out of room she continued her letters directly below the last one she had written (starting on the left side of the page) and as long as she was going in that direction the letters were facing the right way.  Doesn't that seem weird? Is she dyslexic? Genius? Weird? Who knows.

I'm not sure where to begin with Makael.  Oh Makael....and we thought his older sister was stubborn.  Wow! We have yet to have a full blown battle of wills, but when we do, David better be around as a reinforcement, otherwise I might not win.
I can't keep up with his vocabulary anymore. He's continually learning new words and actually using them appropriately, as well as using 4-5 word sentences.  My favorite little phrase right now is "work it".  He tells me to "work it" whenever he needs me to fix something for him.  I laugh every time.

So we are going to be a party of 5 come May!! I'm crazy excited. I'll be even more excited once the morning sickness is gone.  It's probably because I'm in the thick of it right now, but it seems to be so much worse this time than it was with the other two.  
Last week was an emotional one. It seemed like we might lose the baby and for five days I rode a non stop emotional roller coaster.  Thankfully we were able to get an early ultrasound and everything looks great. It's hard to put into words the relief I felt when I saw and heard the heart beat. I felt like I was able to breath for the first time in days, and as I laid there and enjoyed watching the little heart beat, I teared up thinking about how many people were praying for us and hoping for a positive outcome.  So thank you...everyone! I am so incredibly grateful for you.

As you might guess, life has been somewhat overwhelming recently so I don't have pictures to post, but I'll get some up soon. :)  

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