Sunday, August 12, 2012

And we're home!

Wow, what a crazy few weeks we have had.  Things seem to feel like they are in overdrive.  I'll try and give a quick rundown:

We started off the craziness by going to Destin for the Boyd family vacation.  What a great week that was. I'll admit I was pretty nervous about our first 14 hour road trip with two kids, but it went incredibly well (both ways). One of my favorite things as a mom thus far has been watching Gemma play on the beach and swim in the waves. She couldn't have loved it more.  Makael on the other hand, not so much.  He seemed the most content inside, or sitting on a towel where there was minimal contact with any sand or water.    We got to eat lots of good food, go shopping, go scuba diving (sans kids of course),  and even have an all family dance party on the balcony thanks to Gemma...she can get a party started for sure! You know it's a good family vacation when you're sad to go home :)  We are definitely blessed.

Since getting back we finished packing up the house, and have moved into our new house.  Gosh it's been crazy! Moving day was especially crazy. I can honestly say that without the help of our friends and family, I don't know how we would have made it.  Again, we are very blessed. I promise we won't be moving again any time soon :) It feels really good to be in our new home though.  Every day I seem to love it more, and I'm actually really enjoying the whole process of unloading boxes and putting things away. I have all sorts of decorating plans flying around in my head, but for the sake of David (and our bank account), I'm trying to pace myself :)  Gemma still asks us if we are going to our pretend home or our real home any time we are are driving around. The "real" one being our new house... Apparently we were just pretending before. Makael doesn't have much of an opinion, he's just glad his new room has a ceiling fan.

There have been a few changes with the kids lately.  Just today, Gemma sat with us through the entire sermon at church, without making a peep. That made her seem so much older to me.  There's no way she would have sat quietly before.
Makael seems to be realizing that in just four weeks he'll officially be a toddler.  Sometime between Monday night and Tuesday morning he figured out the true meaning of temper tantrums. Yeah that's been fun. Along with that, he has also figured out how to run, walk in circles until he falls down, and do a somersault.  Okay, that last one is more of a work in progress but he'll have it soon enough.

I apologize for not posting pictures or videos today, I promise there are plenty coming soon!

Right now I'm off to shop for fabric swatches :)

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