Tuesday, July 17, 2012

On the go!

It's been over a month since I've blogged.  I'm pretty sure that's the longest I've gone between posts. In case you haven't heared, we put our house on the market in April and this whole process of selling our house, finding a house, and getting everything ready to move has basically taken up all my free time, as well as my sanity. Ha!  I wish I could say it's been a great experience overall, but the truth is, it has been hard, stressful, and pretty emotionally tiring. There have been a few disappointments along the way, and we are still in the midst of negotiations, but Lord willing we will be in our new home in three weeks! 

I'm not so sure Gemma fully understands what "moving" means. She's been pretty adamant about not wanting to sell "her house" any time we bring up the topic, but she definitely got excited the first time she saw her new room.  She got especially excited when I showed her her new closet. Go figure.  To say she's into clothes right now would be an understatement. She typically has 6-7 wardrobe changes a day. Not only does she like wearing them, they are her current choice of "toy". I let her bring a toy or two whenever we go somewhere...last week she took two pairs of pants to Target, and just a few weekends ago she took 7 bloomers (those diaper cover things) to a family get together.  A little strange...but whatever floats her boat.  Her looks are starting to change some. People are starting to tell me she's looking more and more like me...maybe it's the fact that she can wear her hair in a pony tail now.  Regardless of who she looks like, she's definitely looking older and more beautiful by the day.

I thought you guys might enjoy this cute conversation:

G: Mom I'm hot, can you put smoke on me?
Me: What do you mean you want smoke on you?
G: You know... that stuff.
Me: Oh sure, I'll put some perfume on you. 

Makael is a walker now!! He still has his fair share of tumbles throughout the day, but he's getting the hang of it.  At his rate, it's safe to assume he will be running withing a week and a half. It's pretty adorable to watch him toddle around but it still weirds me out at times.  He just seems too tiny! He now also gives "high fives", signs "all done", and pushes his little toy cars around like the best of them. I guess I'll embrace the fact that he's  becoming a "big kid".

Makael walking...and thinking Gemma is oh so funny!

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