Thursday, June 14, 2012

9 Months

Can you believe it? Makael is 9 months old! He actually turned 9 months last Saturday but his nine month check up wasn't until today so I wanted to wait and be able to add all of his stats.  Little man is now 16 lbs 7 oz, and 27 inches tall.  Out of the 2 percentile and into the 10th percentile!!! There was definitely some celebrating going on at the doctor's office today.  What a relief! He really does love to eat these days. He's still puts up a good fight when it comes to his bottles, but put some real food in front of him and he's a happy kid.  There are only a few things that he will absolutely NOT eat, two of them being carrots and cottage way no how! Everything else he's pretty much okay with, and if there's something he's not wild about, I can usually get him to eat it by mixing it with yogurt or apple sauce.  You would be grossed out by some of the concoctions I've had to come up with, but hey, a mom has to do what a mom has to do.  It's obviously working right? He's growing!

He's a little climber for sure! He hadn't showed any interest in our stairs, and then one day last week he just decided he was going to give them a try and climbed all the way up to the top.  He was half way up by the time I realized it. Now...there's just no stopping him.  We tried a variety of barricades but he outsmarted us every time.  Where there's a will, there's a way I guess.  The baby gate has to be up at all times now, either upstairs to keep him from falling down, or downstairs to keep him from climbing up. Even that has gotten to be problematic though, he likes to climb that too, which of course leads to him falling and getting hurt...better than falling down the stairs I guess. Gemma's little pink chair is another issue. It sits next her bed and she uses it to help her climb up. I guess Makael figured if she could do it, than he could too. After finding him hanging from Gemma's bed rail with only one foot on the chair's arm rest, we now have to flip it over if he's playing in there. Gemma really likes that arrangement though, she can use it as a slide that way :)

Now for the most exciting news...he took his first unassisted step! Recently he has wanted to do nothing but hold my hand and walk around. He's getting pretty steady and can stand on his own for quite a while now, but until today he hadn't tried taking a step on his own.  And wouldn't you was at the pool. His least favorite place hahaha.  He was holding onto my leg, let go, took a step, realized what he had done, and quickly sat down.  That was just a little too much work for one day...he'll try again tomorrow ;)

He is one sweet little blessing that boy. He has the funniest personality...and recently, quite the little attitude. There is no denying he has a strong stubborn streak. Lucky for us, he was preceded by his older sister, the queen of Stubborn Land, so there's not much he can do that will really shock us...I hope ;)

Gemma showing Makael how to properly drive a shopping cart.

Sweet little guy
Taken on his 9 month birthday.
Had to take this with my phone. No way I was going to take my eyes off of him to go get the camera.  

He really does have a very cute giggle...but I find this "fake laugh" just histerical!

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