Thursday, September 15, 2011

We survived!

It will be a week from tomorrow that we officially became a family a four, and I have to say, it's definitely an adjustment. It hasn't been overwhelming or stressful, just incredibly busy. We're still taking it one day at a time.

Gemma has been a little more emotional than usual, but she doesn't seem to mind that Makael is around. In fact, she constantly needs to know where he is, and go figure she is obsessed with his pacifier...never mind she has never liked them before.

Makael is an amazing baby! He REALLY likes to eat (and poop), and he loves to be held and cuddled, although he's perfectly content just sitting in his bouncy seat too. He had his days and nights a little mixed up for the first few days, so we weren't sleeping much (or at all) from the hours of 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. but I think he's figuring it out. Last night he even gave us a 4.5 hour stretch! What a good little boy...and not even a week old yet!

Although Makael slept well last night, it was still pretty eventful for David and I. Gemma started running a fever yesterday evening so we mentally prepared ourselves for a long night. Sure enough, her fever got high enough to wake her up right at midnight, and true to Gemma form, she threw up just minutes after getting a dose of Tylenol. This all coincided with Makael's feeding, so things got a little busy. I have to say though, I think we handled the whole situation quite well. Within the time frame of 1 hour and 25 minutes, we cleaned up throw up, gave Gemma a bath, washed and dried her blankie, fed Makael, changed his diaper (twice), and had them both back in bed sleeping soundly. And the best part...neither one of us ever got upset. We survived! By the time we crawled back in bed, I had the urge to yell, "go team!" ...don't worry, I refrained.

Aside from last night, we are all doing really well, and slowly adjusting to being a family of 4 :)

A few little details we know about Makael:

1. Likes his hands right by his mouth when he sleeps.

2. Doesn't really like to be swaddled.

3. He hates getting his diaper changed, yet insists on pooping after every meal (sometimes twice).

4. Loves being held.

5. Has the "Yarbrough" dimple on his left cheek (we didn't see this until he got a little fat in his cheeks)

6. He's tiny.

Umm yes, cutest thing ever!

Getting to know her little brother.

Already a mama's boy


Yep, that's his nose.


  1. Anonymous9/15/2011

    Go team!!! I am impressed, especially if you consider sleep deprevation and hormonal changes, you guys are amazing parents. Love the pics, they are adorable. Nana

  2. Lita (Grandma)9/17/2011

    wow. Way to go with the mid-night emergencies.
    Gemma and you are so cute the second picture down.
