Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Small break

Well, I've decided to take a small break with potty training and try again in a month or so. Gemma did really well, but I noticed that even when she went in her little toilet, she wasn't really aware of what she was doing. If I didn't start cheering for her and point it out, she would just keep talking about Elmo (which is what we read while we wait). She's pretty funny though, in the last couple of days she's been coming up to me and saying poopy, so I figured it didn't hurt to let her sit on the toilet. The second she sits down she wants to read a book. It didn't take much to figure out she didn't really have to go poopy, she was just wanting me to read her books , and she knew that would do the trick.
She has recently become a cuddler. At night before bed she likes to sit and cuddle with me and watch Arthur. I don't know if she's really wanting me, or if she knows bed time is approaching. She has already started using little tactics to postpone me putting her in bed. It used to be such a breeze to just lay her in her crib and walk out. Now she has to have a good 10 minutes of crying before she finally accepts she down for the night. A few nights in a row I went ahead and got her up and she ended up falling asleep on my shoulder. I loved every second of course, but David quickly stepped up and told me I needed to put an end to that before we made it a habit. Of course he's right, but I have to admit it makes me sad that soon she'll be too big for me to be able to rock her to sleep at all.
Drawing is a new favorite past time as well. She will scribble on any and everything. I have to keep a close eye on her, I don't want to have to repaint any walls. So far so good.

Gemma practicing eating with a spoon. Sometimes she does really well, other times I wonder if she even got anything in her mouth.

I have to apologize for the bad video taking. She was crawling on me so it was hard to tape since I couldn't really see the screen.

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