Friday, March 18, 2011

Little Tiger

Gemma got a cheer leading outfit from my friend April, and I've been dying to put it on her. So here it is! Adorable isn't it?

"The itsy bitsy spider...

crawled up the water spout...
Down came the rain and washed the spider out...
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain...

And the itsy bitsy spider...

climbed up the spout again."


  1. adorable, she is so cute, and i love how you captured all the parts of the song. she is a beauty!

  2. Anonymous3/22/2011

    I love these pictures. You captured her expressions so well. A big thank you for all the effort you put into the blog. Nana

  3. oh my!!!! she had my heart at the first picture!
    How can there be more love than what I already feel, but there is. This Pa Pa gig, is pretty awesome!
