Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Little Fig

In the last four weeks, baby Boyd has gone from the size of a blueberry, to the size of a fig. Every week I get an update on what's going on with the baby, and I always have to laugh at the food comparisons and the inaccuracy of this form of measurement. I want to know exactly how big of a blueberry or fig we're talking about here! By the size of my stomach you would think it should be the size of a grapefruit by now. Regardless, the baby is doing great. I had another ultrasound yesterday, and while it still looks like an alien, it was so exciting to see the little heart beat. We also got to see it's two little legs crossed. Hard to believe they can already do that at this stage. At one point we got to see "between the legs" and my doctor said not to get too excited, all babies look like girls at this age. After David and I reminded him that we didn't want to find out the gender anyway, he informed us that he only gets about 3 couples every year who don't want to find out. That seems like such a small number to me. I love surprises, and it seems like the older I get, the fewer surprises are left. So I want to make this one last as long as possible, and enjoy the anticipation. I'll admit it makes decorating rooms, and picking out names a bit harder, but it's worth it!

Gemma is also growing like a weed. She seems to be getting smarter and smarter by the day. She continues to be an outdoors kind of girl. She can spend hours outside. She spent some time with Somer while I was at the doctor yesterday, and was introduced to sidewalk chalk. It's her new obsession. She brought three pieces home with her, and immediately wanted to go outside and draw after waking up from her nap. We played outside for a whole hour and she could have kept at it had we not had to leave
She was having a hard time looking at the camera because of the sun.
Saying hi to daddy when he got home from work
Excited about the dog barking next door

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