Sunday, July 4, 2010


Gemma has to be one of the most vocal babies around. She's constantly talking, and while I think it's the most adorable thing, I'm aware it will probably drive me nuts when she gets a little older. Over the last few weeks, it seems her personality has really started to show through and she has started doing a lot of "new" things. She has started:
- fake laughing when everyone else around her is laughing.
- fake crying when she "hurts" herself...drama queen.
- feeding herself finger foods. She rarely lets me feed her now.
- giving kisses (especially when she's tired).
-waving hi and bye, along with saying "Ba" when she waves good bye. I'm pretty sure it should be considered her first word :)
-looking for daddy. While she still loves me the most :) she gets crazy excited when David gets home from work, and she wants to know where he's at at all times once he's home.

Here's a video of Gemma waving. She has two waves actually, the arm wave and the salute wave. I apologize for the loud "bark" at the end of the video...that's David sneezing hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Wish we could edit out my "bark". I love that you can see the wave and the salute in this video. I didn't catch that when we were taking it. She is so much fun!
