Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Trip

We took our first summer trip to Chicago with Nana and Papa this past weekend, and had a total blast. I was under the weather for the whole thing, but I wasn't going to let that stop the fun, so I stayed well medicated. Gemma was AMAZING!!! I was nervous about several things:
1. The 6 hour drive there
2. How she was going to sleep at night in an unfamiliar place.
3. How she was going to handle being held or in a stroller most of the day.
4. How we were going to fit in naps.
5. How she would handle a second 6 hour drive home.

I should have known I was worrying about nothing. She did great!
I don't think I have ever done so much walking/sight seeing/eating in one weekend. That was my third time in Chicago, but the first time I really got to know the city. I think I could move there! I'll recap...
Day 1:
Left Columbia at 8:30 a.m. and arrived in Chicago at 3:30 p.m. Check into the hotel and immediately headed out for Navy Pier. Came back in time to put Gemma down for bed and grab dinner. (Next time you are in Chicago, eat at Big Bowl...AMAZING!!)
Day 2:
Got up early (thanks to Gemma of course) and went for a run with Scott. While we ran, Gemma, David, and Bev did some sight seeing. We met up at Buckingham Fountain and walked back to the hotel via Michigan Avenue. Took Gemma swimming so she would take a long nap. After nap, headed back to Navy Pier and saw a Cirque ShangHai show. (Let me tell ya, those people can bend!!!) Later that night we met up with Jacki and went out for tapas.
Day 3:
Signed up for a bus tour. Got off at the Hancock building and went up to the top and looked over the city. Had ice cream and went back to the hotel for Gemma's nap. After nap, went to lunch and had some amazing hot dogs. Got back on bus and finished the tour. Had Chicago style pizza for dinner and then went to check out where they were filming Transformers 3. (I really loved that they were filming a movie while we were there, it made the trip that much more fun.)
Day 4:
Had an delicious breakfast at Jackie's house, and then headed home :(

Great trip!
Just to prove we were there ;)
This kept her pretty busy when we were in the hotel room. Nevermind I brought actual toys.
She spent hours in this stroller, and such a great stroller it is.
Nana and Papa
Family photo

Excited for hot dogs!!

So sweet!
Sharing a cracker with Nana

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I love that you fit the morning ice cream trip in there. Don't forget we had ice cream and bought sunglasses at Navy Pier. Those sunglasses were crucial to our enjoyment of the weekend! I am thinking back trying to figure out when I thought Gemma was the cutest. I think sitting at Uno's was my favorite time with her. She was just being so funny. I wish work was within walking distance of Big Bowl and Portillos.
