The month of April is flying by! Up until now, time seemed to be dragging, now I wish I could make it slow down just a little bit. We are on the very last stages of finishing the basement! We just have those little details that seem to pop up out of nowhere. At times I'm overwhelmed by all of those little details, and then I realize they are the only thing keeping me busy so I don't go crazy from anticipation for baby #3's arrival. It's surreal, exciting, and terrifying all at once. Ready or not, she'll be here in 2-5 weeks!
I'm still feeling pretty good actually...unless I over do it, which I definitely did yesterday cleaning the basement and setting up the kids' playroom. By the end of the day I could hardly lift Makael, but it felt really good to get so much done. Otherwise I'm still comfortable and sleeping well. David and I have a bet going as to how much she'll weight. I'm predicting 7 lbs 5 ounces or more. He's predicting under 7 lbs. Regardless of who wins, I'm almost positive she'll be bigger than the other two. We've also been trying to guess what day she'll be born. We both think it will be between May 7th and 10th. Without knowing our prediction, I've had two other people tell me they think it will be May 7th too. All I know is I'm very ready, yet not ready at all. Ha!
Makael seems to be doing better these days. He is yet to show any interest in eating real food, but the increase in calories from pediasure seem to be making a difference in how he feels. He looks like he's gaining weight, he's sleeping in longer, and overall happier. He is on Zantac now too, so that may be contributing as well. We'll know more at his next appointment with the specialist at the end of May. He's currently obsessed with baseball, and we've realized that 80% of his vocabulary is movie quotes from either Sandlot, Finding Nemo, or Frozen. Th kid is hysterical!
Speaking of Frozen... I might just go crazy if Gemma's obsession with it doesn't subside soon. I'm not sure if she likes the movie as much as just the songs. The poor girl cannot sing a single note on key, but that doesn't stop her from belting out every song. It was adorable at first, but now she has us all singing the songs too, even Makael. They will pull up Frozen songs on youtube and sing together.
So there's good news and bad news regarding her latest health issues. Good news first- I'm not so sure she has a sun allergy any more. We found out she had parvovirus when a nasty rash appeared on her face. Once the rash shows up, the virus has already taken it's course so we aren't really sure when she actually had the virus, but the parvo rash looks a lot like what she had on her arms (what I thought was from the sun). We have been out in the sun several times now and I haven't noticed the rash again, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The bad news is, she has to get four teeth capped (very back teeth on top and bottom). She bit her cheek a couple of weeks ago, and while I was making sure there wasn't any blood (she ALWAYS needs to know), I realized her back tooth (bottom left) looked like it was decaying. After taking a closer look at all her teeth, I noticed the other three. We were able to get in to see the dentist that afternoon and he said we needed to get those fixed ASAP. I was terrified that I was going to get yelled at for not taking care of her teeth, but I apparently it's a "malformation" of those teeth and they actually came in with no enamel. So although it's somewhat of a drag that she has to get four teeth capped, it's nice to know it's not due to us neglecting her teeth (I promise we don't). Unfortunately, it can be a hereditary thing, so we'll be keeping a close eye on Makael's teeth from here on out as well.
Here are some long over due photos. I tried uploading some videos and it didn't work. I'll try again tomorrow.
Gemma riding her bike with our neighbor. |
Happy even with a rash on her face. |
Brother and sister cuddling and taking a snooze. |
Performing a song during Mother's Spring Tea at preschool. |
Eating cheerios and watching Nemo while wearing Spiderman sunglasses (Spiderman is a new favorite). |
A little attitude wearing Hello Kitty sunglasses (of course). |
Practicing his swing. Notice the how close the basement is to being done!! That white dresser is just temporary haha.
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