Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Overdue update on my three littles.

Time seems to be dragging yet flying by all at the same time. We are about two weeks out from finishing the basement and about two months out from having another baby.  Projects galore! I get overwhelmed at times, thinking about everything that needs to get done before baby #3 arrives, and I wonder how we'll manage to complete everything. Other times I wonder why time seems to be moving so slow.  I think it's nervous excitement.

I'm still feeling great, but my mind starts going a mile a minute right around 3:00 a.m. so I'm not getting much sleep. I had an OB appointment today and her heart rate was only 126. It worried me some that it was so low, but it must have just been nap time or something. She has since "woken up" and given me peace of mind. She really does move ALL.THE.TIME.
A couple weeks ago the nesting phase hit hard, and I got the urge to clean every corner of the house. Unfortunately, with the basement getting done, cleaning is somewhat pointless. I still clean, but you can't really tell I did anything two hours later. The dust is just unreal!  So instead of worrying too much about it, I've focused most of my efforts on finishing the nursery.  There's still a ways to go, but I've kept myself busy by patching holes, painting, organizing, ordering things we need, washing adorable little pink clothes...etc. It's all coming together.  Just two more months! On that note...Gemma's second recital happens to land on my due date.  If you read my post about her first recital, you know it was a disaster and how heart broken I was over the whole ordeal.  I really want her second recital to go well. So badly! So one of two things needs to happen.  Either baby girl needs to make her appearance early, or she needs to wait until after her due date.  I really hope she follows in her sibling's footsteps and we get option one.  

There's a lot to update on the older two, and I should really make a separate post for each, but I'll try and sum it up as much as possible...

I took Makael in to the pediatrician for having an ongoing nasty cough.  Although he wasn't running a fever or otherwise seeming sick, he was having coughing fits which typically lead to him vomiting.  Turns out he was in the process of recovering from RSV.  We were all pretty excited that he had jumped out of the 3rd percentile for weight and into the 16th.  Wooohooo!  We have Pediasure to thank for that.  Literally, that's all.he.eats. Since he's still not showing any interest in eating, we were referred to a GI specialist (Dr. Kantor).  Kantor ordered labs but we had to wait a couple of weeks for Makael's lungs to fully clear up to do them.  That first appointment was short, but such a relief to know I am not the only one concerned about Makael's growth. With how active and happy he is, I've often wondered if I'm just crazy and he really is just that small. But a two and a half year old should definitely weigh more than 20 lbs!
Besides showing that Makael is slightly anemic, the labs came back pretty normal.  The general thought is that he had silent re-flux as a baby, which basically taught him to not like food.  The game plan now, is to only let him have Pediasure at the table since it's technically his meal, always offer some other type of food with it (even if he doesn't touch it), and have him interact with food as much as possible (picking food out at the grocery store, letting him put groceries away, playing with pretend food, etc). Basically all psychological stuff. We'll see where he's at in a month or so and go from there.
Aside from being little, he is definitely all boy now... no trace of baby whatsoever! He's currently obsessed with Buzz Lighyear from Toy Story. His poor little Buzz has been played with so much that the wing is already broken, but we dare not go anywhere without him! He's still climbing on everything, growling, jumping and overall being a very loud boy. He's constantly coming up with funny new phrases, and still managing to keep me wrapped around his little finger :)

Gemma is still loving school.  She's a total grump when it's time to wake up in the morning to get ready, but doesn't hesitate to skip off without looking back when I drop her off.  It's fun to see her with all of her new friends and listen to her little stories about her day when I pick her up.
I've baby sat a few younger kids recently and she has become quite the little mother.  I'm so excited to see her with a baby sister.  She's pretty excited about it. She tells me she can't wait to, "hold her, nap her, and help drink her". Hahaha.  It's so cute the way she says it that I don't feel the need to correct her just yet.  I know the novelty of having a baby around will wear off, but I am definitely excited to see their interactions the first couple of weeks.
Unfortunately, Gemma seems to be having some "health" issues as well.  During those two days where the temperatures got up into the 60s, she was outside quite a bit wearing short sleeves.  She came in both nights with hives on her arms (only exposed skin), with the second day being a lot worse than the first.  I'm wondering if she has developed a sun allergy (noooooo!!!!).  It hasn't been warm enough for her to be outside without wearing long sleeves since, so I haven't really gotten the chance to "test" it out again.  I guess we'll find out here pretty soon when it warms up a little more.  Other than that she's doing well, and becoming such a little lady.  The girl is going to be an artist when she grows up...I just know it.  I swear she can already draw better than me! And you should see her play temple run...ridiculous. :)
That's about it for now.  Hopefully in a couple of weeks I'll be able to post pictures of a finished basement and possibly a finished nursery :)  I have several pictures and videos to post, but I've got to get my phone back from Gemma to upload them. Ha!

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