Thursday, August 15, 2013

Family Vacation

Summer is drawing to an end. Gosh it went by fast! We have one more week with Brielle (little girl I've been watching this summer) and a trip to Tennessee before I can officially say it's over.  Once we get back things will shift into our fall schedule with dance classes and preschool.  I know preschool is going to be so good for Gemma. She's ready and so excited for it...clearly she doesn't understand that this marks the beginning of school for the next 15+ years.  I can't help but dwell on the fact that this is the beginning of her life without me. Yes I realize that sounds dramatic. Sure, I can ask her about her day, be involved in her school, and know who her friends are, but up until now I've been the one to teach her everything she knows (at least get to watch it). I taught her how to eat solids, watched her crawl, then walk, say her first words. color inside the lines, someone else gets to take over for a few hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I don't even get to watch! I think that's reason enough to be a little emotional about it. I'll be sure to update you guys on how I'm  she's doing once we are a few weeks into it.

We just got back from a two day trip to Great Wolf Lodge in Kansas City.  Who knew doing nothing but kid stuff for a weekend could be so much fun? I've come to realize that I will do anything to see them having fun. Gemma was in heaven as long as she was swimming. Although she wanted nothing to do with the water slides, she did plenty of under water swimming, wrestling with anyone who would give her the time of day (daddy, uncle Matt, and Papa), jumped in off the sides, and worked on sitting at the bottom of the pool.  Makael on the other hand, wasn't a big fan of the indoor pool, but seemed to like the outside pool okay.  He kept busy by filling and emptying his bucket, jumping into the pool, and pretending to be a tiger. Good times!  It was also the first time we all stayed in a hotel room together where Makael was actually old enough to understand.  They loved it! They stayed up until 10:00 every night playing together.  They played chase, jumped on the beds, wrestled, and laughed so hard I thought they were crying. The highlight of the trip (for all of us) definitely had to be the petting zoo.  We couldn't have asked for better weather and both kids seemed to really enjoy it.  I know personally, my favorite 5 minutes of the entire trip was watching Gemma enjoy her first pony ride. Definitely one for the books.

Makael is talking like crazy these days. Out of no where! It's so fun to understand what he wants, and it's even more fun to hear Gemma trying to get him to repeat everything she says.  He plays along for the most part but eventually he let's her know when enough is enough.   He's especially interested in numbers and colors at the moment. My favorite is hearing him say "yellow". He has also started understanding when he's in trouble. Obviously he has understood that for a while now, but until recently he hasn't seemed to care.  You should see the little face he gives me when he's in trouble. It's almost enough to get me to say, "Oh it's okay buddy, I really don't mind that you just broke my favorite bottle of perfume". I haven't quite figured out if he's overly sensitive or being manipulative, all I know for sure is that it's CUTE.

Papa was the one who took all the great pictures from our mini vacation so I'll just post a link to his album...

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