Success! Makael has actually liked the pool the last two times we've gone. I've decided the only thing he doesn't like is that initial coldness of the water. Once he's in, he seems to like it like every kid should. He threw a major fit last time when we said it was time to go, and although I did my motherly duty of making sure he knew it wasn't okay to act like that...I was smiling on the inside.
No surprise Gemma loves the pool. Besides being comfortable with putting her head underwater and wanting to show everyone her kicks (even complete strangers who couldn't care less), she hasn't carried over much from her swimming lessons. I'm still so glad she took them though. It was worth it.
So the kids have started manipulating us during bed time. It's amazing how they get along so well right about the time we start saying it's "time for bed". Sure they have proven how tired they are with all the afternoon wining and bickering, but miraculously, right around 7:30 they become best friends. They typically wrestle, play chase, or race around the house laughing hysterically. They've realized that the second they start fighting or someone gets hurt we usually send them to bed. I'm okay with being manipulated in this way though...seriously it's the cutest thing you've ever seen.
Unfortunately they've also started coming into our room in the middle of the night. They like to crawl into bed with us, which I of course love, but David hates. Gemma isn't so bad since she rarely comes in to begin with, but she's also a pretty mellow sleeper. Makael on the other hand, has been coming in almost every night and is a mover (a.k.a. kicker) in his sleep. Actually, he likes to cuddle with me and save his kicks for David. As much as I love hearing his little footsteps coming down the hall, and then cuddling with him until we're both fast asleep, I know I'll have to put an end to it if it goes on for much longer.
To add to this topic...Gemma did come in last night, not to lay down with us, but to tell me she wanted kiss. So what do you do when your three year old wakes you up at 2:00 a.m. wanting a kiss? You give her a kiss that's what! Gosh I love her!
Some pictures...
This boy will climb or swing on anything. |
So frustrating when he can't get over to the other side. |
M got into my make-up kit and gave himself a uni-brow. |
The sprinkler can be an afternoon babysitter. She spent two hours one day playing on her own in the back yard. |
Nothing like a good cup of (whatever) and your favorite chair. |
Perpetual goofball. |
Like I said... |
Yes...that's Makael actually sitting in water! |
Sweetness |
One of the most precious pictures! Gemma's first time fishing with Papa. |
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