Nine- nine- one- one...Makael's birthday! Has a nice ring to it huh? I've never given much thought to the actual date my babies could possibly be born on, after all, the day is special regardless, but I have to admit Makael's date is pretty cool (and easy to remember). Today marks one year from his birth! It's baffling how this past year has flown by. As cliche as it might sound, it feels like it was just yesterday that they handed me the most perfect 5lb 7oz baby boy in the world. Oh my word! There was a lot going on in the room after he was born, and I know I was partaking in several simultaneous conversations about who he looked liked, how small he was, what his name was, etc, but the only vivid memory I have is holding him for the first time, and thinking to myself how crazy it was to have THAT much love, so instantly.
Fast forward a year, and he still has me pretty smitten :)
3 days |
3 months |
6 months
9 months |
1 year!!
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