David has been in Guatemala this past week. It has actually gone by super fast because I've kept myself busy painting and setting up her new room. I'll post pictures as soon as it's fully finished. I've also made sure to plan lots of play dates for her, so we haven't been in the house much. It's been a fun week overall, but I'm usually exhausted by the time she's tucked in bed. We're excited for daddy to get home.
Baby #2 is doing great! I had an appointment yesterday and everything seemed to be going great. I'm beyond excited we've hit the 28 week mark. My appointments are now every two weeks instead of monthly, so expect more and more updates. I have a feeling the third trimester is going to go by quickly with everything we still have planned for the summer. Now that we are doing room switches, and making lists of things we need to get for the baby, I'm getting more and more excited. I'm even enjoying being pregnant...imagine that! We are still far from having a name, but I'm starting to feel the pressure of picking one. With how different this pregnancy seemed at the beginning, I was sure we were having a boy. Now I'm not so sure. Most people have "guessed" that I'm having a boy, but there have been a few to say girl too. I don't really have a preference. It would be great to have two girls close in age, especially since I already have season appropriate clothes, but I would LOVE to have a boy too. I don't think I'll be disappointed either way.