Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The last couple of weeks since her birthday party have just flown by. I've been meaning to post a new entry but haven't been able to sit down long enough to actually do it.

We have had a few exciting things happen recently. Gemma got her first head wound. A mirror fell on her head, and although it didn't shatter (thankfully), it did leave a good dent. We were told to wake her up every two hours that night to make sure she was doing okay. I have to give David lots of credit for giving up his sleep and taking the 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m shifts.
That incident landed on the day we had her scheduled one year check-up, so that got postponed for a few days (10 days after her one year birthday).

Her check-up was a little traumatizing (for me). Not only did she have to get 4 shots, they also did blood work. She cried pretty hard for that part, but as soon as I picked her up she looked at the nurse and said "thank you". It was pretty cute, and made us all laugh. She also impressed everyone with how much she is talking. David and I later that day counted how many words she can say...we stopped counting at 40...I'm pretty sure she's a genius :)
At 1 year and 10 days, Gemma weighed 20 lbs 4 oz, and was 28 inches long.

David and I have realized that we are now in scary new territory as far as parenting. Gemma is such a strong willed little girl and she has recently started showing us her defiant side. It has been a little overwhelming for me trying to figure out how to handle her temper tantrums. I just hope we are on the right track, and addressing things before they get out of hand.

On a more exciting note, Gemma has started taking steps. I can't wait for her to walk, I think it's so exciting! She stands on her own pretty well but if you tell her to move at all, she just takes a nose dive to the floor. Today however, she took two intentional steps. She walked from the coffee table to the couch. It was so cute, and she totally knew she had just done something special. She immediately turned around with a huge grin on her face and started clapping.

November 2009
November 2010


  1. Papa is simply crazy about his grand daughter. Who knew this could be so much fun!

  2. So sad comparing the two pictures! Shes grown too fast. You know, it's not wonder she's not walking!! All her energy is going to talking!!! They say babies focus all their attention to one thing at a time.

  3. Grandma12/07/2010

    In my opinion, Gemma is an adventurous comedian. She is wonderfully outgoing, and entirely occupied with everything that she sees, and a real blabber mouth. If those traits continue, I hope she gets a big dollop of sensitivity to stay of trouble. She's plenty dramatic, but sensitive??? Not yet, I don't think so.
