Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sleep Sleep Sleep

Gemma continues to be a total rock star when it comes to sleeping. A couple of days ago I wanted to feed her before my morning run, so I went in at 5:00 a.m. (exactly 8 hours from her last feeding) and fed her in her sleep. She didn't even open her eyes and then proceeded to sleep another hour and 45 minutes. Yes...almost 10 hours of sleep!! My strategy thus far has been to feed her between 9:30 and 10:00, put her down, and immediately go to bed myself. This way I get the maximum amount of sleep before her next meal. However, now that she's consistently sleeping 8 hours, I'm anxious to establish a 7:00 p.m. bed time. We tried it for the first time last night and it was a total disaster. Since that's usually her most fussy time of day, she was not happy to be put in her crib. We had company over so I didn't feel comfortable letting her cry herself to sleep for the first time. Tonight we have more company, and tomorrow is small group...I guess we'll have to try it again Monday night. The dreaded bed time boot camp begins!
I absolutely love this outfit on her! I wanted to make sure I posted a picture of her wearing it, but of course she wouldn't cooperate once the camera came out. I think she finally just got bored of me snapping away.

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