All three kids took some major leaps last month and had me spinning in several "when did they grow up" moments. My heart can't handle it...the constant tug a war between the excitement of new things and realizing the loss of others. I wish time would slow down. Even now, after three days of being up all night with a sick baby, I want it to slow down.
Gemma doesn't seem to need me for much anymore. She's been sick the last few days and it's been kind of nice having her need me a little, even just to cuddle. Esmé surprises us all the time by doing things we didn't know she could do yet, and Makael has officially made the leap out of toddler-hood and into little boy-hood. I remember writing about this around his 3rd birthday. I knew sometime within the year he would suddenly grow I shouldn't be so taken back by it.
Speaking of Makael growing! He's not just growing up, he's also growing big! Given his history it's such a reliefe to see him get heavier and taller. Unfortunately his eating issues haven't resolved. Thanks to pediasure his growth is no longer a concern, but his lack of eating is, so we decided to seek out some more help and had our first consultation with a speech therapist. David and I both left the appointment so incredibly encouraged. Makael did so well! As long as our insurance covers all or some of his sessions, he'll be going back on a weekly basis for a while. I would love to not have to worry about his eating come this fall when he starts preschool. On that topic...he is desperate to start school...and I've got 5 months to prepare my heart for it.
Gemma is getting ready to transition out of preschool and into kindergarten. I'm excited for her actually. She's a pretty good reader, is great at staying focused, is quite the little socialite, and per her teachers is more than ready :) It's a little sad when I think about all of her friends going off to different kindergartens though. She has some really great friends that we will have to make sure we keep in touch with.
Esmé of course has done the most growing up the last couple of months since nothing lasts too long in the first year. She's quickly approaching her first birthday and starting to act like a toddler. To sum up what she's been up to since the last entry... she can now wave, point, clap, say nigh-night, go up
and down steps (she taught herself that one). has taken up to six steps at a time (but still doesn't show much interest in wanting to walk full time), is a great eater thus far, and is proving to be my most independent kid.
Random recent pictures:
Sweet face! |
First warm day, so naturally playing with water is a must. |
I asked her where the clouds were :) |
talking on the phone |
Watching for daddy's car |
She loves feeding the rest of us. |
Their in-door "slide". |
She doesn't like me to feed her these days, she much prefers to do it herself. |
"What barrier?" |
This is her being "crazy" |
Holding on to the swing like a "big girl". |
All he ever wants to do these days. |
Clapping because she got herself up by herself. |
Her outfits get better every day. |
The girls :) |
I turned the shower on and went to grab my things, and came back to her playing inside, fully clothed, having the time of her life. She's a shower girl now. |
How grown up does she look? |
Mom's boots |
Cosmo Park |