Little miss Esmé Evangeline has been with us for 11 days now. She's amazing! Not only is she the definition of cuteness, she wins the award for being my easiest newborn. There is so much that has happened since she was born, that I'm at a loss as to where to even start. I've decided to update through pictures...lots of them
I started having contraction at 5:00 a.m. Saturday morning, labored at home most of the day, got to the hospital at 5:00 p.m., and she was born 6 hrs later. Easiest delivery!
Just moments after she was born. May 10th at 11:17 p.m., 5 lbs 14 oz, 18.25 inches |
All clean and sweet. |
First picture of her being "alert" |
We had issues with Gemma's bili levels when she was a newborn, so it was not fun to hear Esmé needed therapy at 1:30 in the morning. Thankfully, there was a "miss-communication" between the pediatrician and nurses and her levels ended up being okay. That little eye mask is pretty dang cute though. |
Being swallowed up by her car seat :) |
I hate that Makael is blurry, but Gemma's face is precious. |
Gemma honestly hasn't seemed too interested in Esmé besides just saying she's cute and occasionally wanting to hold her. Surprisingly, she's been more "motherly" towards Makael which has been so sweet to watch.
Remember how I wanted Esmé to be born in time for Gemma's dance recital? Well, she came early enough that I was able to go to the dress rehearsal too. My mom was over helping me with the other two so I could do Gemma's hair and make-up. When Gemma was ready, we got our phones out and took lots of pictures. Gemma started posing with each click of the camera. It was hilarious. Here are just a few...but believe me there are LOTS more.
Little E in the background hahaha. |
Night 3 at home...wide awake at 2:00 a.m. |
One of my favorite pictures of her. Is she not the most precious thing?! |
Another favorite. |
This little guy was pretty worn out when I got home. He took lots of naps. |
My friend T.K. who made the pillows for E's crib, made this beautiful quilt from the scraps of fabric. I LOVE it! |
Still napping ;) He goes nowhere without a bat. |
Looking out the window. |
Gemma trying to give E her paci...Makael starting to show some interest. |
No lack of attention from Ariya...she loves holding her. |
I just love her. |
Sister love. |
Who doesn't love a baby yawning? |
Recital day!!! I was so nervous for her, and scared we would have a repeat of her Christmas recital. She actually reminded me to give her motrin before we left "just in case" she got sick. Hahaha. She did great!
Best friends. |
Ariya danced the same day too. It was so fun to watch them. Gemma was especially proud of her flowers. |
She's been dying to play with her recital outfit on, but we had to keep it looking nice until after the actual recital. She was so excited to be able to keep it on and go for a bike ride (those cute little boys live next door). |
Gemma wanted to take a picture "just us girl". This was recital day for G, and E's 1 week birthday. |
Look at that sweet face! I could sit and stare at her for hours. |
She doesn't really care to be swaddled, can you tell? |
Looks so tiny in her crib. |
Yay for first bath!! She LOVED it. It literally looked like she smiled through the whole thing. She didn't even cry when I was drying her off...actually she rarely cries at all. It's quite amazing. |
All clean and smelling heavenly. |
Makael was showing interest, so I went ahead and let him invade her personal space. Ha! |
Growling at her...his way of letting her know he loves her. hahaha |
He ran into the door frame running away from Ariya. I was afraid we were going to need a trip to the emergency room, but all is well. |
So that is basically the last 11 days in pictures. Esmé is just perfect and I'm so thankful she's finally here.
Gemma riding her bicycle with those two boys is a trip. Such a big contrast between them and her!
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing that Esme is even keeled. Otherwise, you might have had a crying baby after Makael's expression of love!