Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pool days are here!!

I might be biased, but I'm pretty sure Gemma is one of the coolest kids I know. This summer is going to be so much fun.   As always, she loves the water.  The pool has been open for two days, and we have gone both days.  I expected her to need a day or two to adjust and get comfortable in the water...yeah right, what was I thinking? She's already a pro at jumping off the side (with David catching her obviously), has no problem playing in the deeper end of the kitty pool, and jumps at any opportunity to go into the big pool. Sometime this week we are going to make a special trip to buy pool toys (we are seriously lacking in that department) as well as a pair of "gobbles" (goggles)...not sure why, but she has specifically requested "green gobbles".

Makael on the other hand is not so keen of the water.  The first day we were there he wanted nothing to do with it, and clutched onto my arm as hard as he could the second we got close.  It was a little sad actually. I think part of it is due to the fact that he's teething...I know I've been saying that for three months now but I'm serious this time hahahaha, his bottom two will be in any day now. Due to that, he's been a little more clingy than usual. Thankfully, day two went much better.  He actually let me put him down and braved crawling around for a bit.  It might take a few tries, but I'm confident he'll love it too.

His new tricks include clapping, dancing, saying nananana, climbing, and get this...standing on his own!! He's only done it a hand full of times, but he'll stand himself up on something, let go, stand there (unsteadily) for a bit and then fall to his bum. He thinks he's hot stuff every time...probably because I cheer for him as if he's just done the coolest thing on the planet.  What are moms for after all? 

Climbing like a pro!

My big girl wearing a pony tail :)

Graham crackers are cure all for M

Just one big bundle of energy this one!

She's the cutest!

This is what happens after playing outside in the sun.

 First time at the pool..."That's right mom, I'll just sit here and watch everyone have fun".

 Braving the waters on day two.


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