Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our month of April

You have no idea how glad I am that spring is here! Not that we had a very bad winter or anything, but I was so ready to get outside. And I'm even more excited for summer. Not only will this be our first summer with a pool membership (we'll be there everyday!) but David and I also have a trip to Mexico planned. We planned on taking a trip for our 5th year anniversary, but since I was pregnant last summer, we're going this year. Lots to look forward to!

Unfortunately the sickness continues...we get about a two week break before it's starts all over. This time I've been thrown into the mix too. The only thing worse than having two sick kiddos, is being sick and having two sick kiddos. We're suviving though :)

With Spring also comes bubbles. Gemma's favorite!

Twirling in the bubbles!!

Ester 2012 was a lots of fun. We spent the first part of the day with the Yarbrough side of the family, and the later part with the Boyd side. Needless to say, there were multiple egg hunts, lots of candy, and lots of pictures.

Gemma during her 2nd egg hunt.

Mr. Smiles!

The fam

You can see more pictures from Easter here:

Little man is a crawler!! And just as I predicted, he's much more content and able to entertain himself for longer periods of time. I LOVE the crawling phase! I'm not sure how long we'll be here before we hit the walking stage since he's been pulling up on things, but I hope it's a few months anyway. It seems they lose a lot of "babyness" as soon as they start walking.

This was taken two days ago (the night he officially started crawling).


  1. Love the bubble pictures. The second one looks like she is dancing. Great smile from Makael, not a fan of myself in the family pic but I sure do LOVE my family

    1. She is dancing in the second picture. It was so cute!
