Thursday, July 7, 2011

Big Girl Room

For those of you who don't have facebook, and haven't seen pictures of Gemma's new they are. I've changed a couple of things since taking these pictures, but not much. She absolutely loves her room! The first couple of days, she ASKED to take a nap. I bought her a little ottoman with a lid, that serves as a night stand, and also stores all her stuffed animals. I think that, and her pink chair in the corner are her two favorite items. We put up rails on either side of the bed for naps and bedtime. We had one hand-me-down rail initially, but it wasn't working properly, so after two nights of her falling out of bed, we got another new one. So far so good!
She takes a bath almost every night these days because she gets so sweaty during the day. So our routine after her bath is drying her off in the bathroom, and then she runs naked to her room. She thinks this is sooo funny. The first couple of days after switching her room, she ran to her old room, and was confused as to why her door was shut. So I explained she needed to go to her new room. A week later, she is still doing the same thing, but now it's just a game to her.

So far this has been one of the easiest "transitions". I thought I would be sad to see her in a big girl bed, but I think it was just as exciting for me as it was for her. I loved decorating it, and then seeing her get so excited about it. She definitely looks so small in her bed when I go in to check on her and kiss her good night, but it's not sad.

I tried taking pictures of her actually in it, but I just managed to wake her up


  1. Lita (Grandma)7/07/2011

    ok, I'm sold so now it is time to come and help me decorate my house. I need to pick out ceiling, floor, and bedroom carpets and wall color.

  2. Lita (Grandma)7/07/2011

    We might want to think of kitchen counters while we are at it.
