Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Another Good Bye

David and I leave for Jordan tomorrow. I'm very excited about experiencing new things and getting to see good friends, but I choke back tears thinking about leaving Gemma again, and this time for 9 days. She's in bed now, and has been sleeping soundly for two hours, and all I really want to do is go in and wake her up... I won't...she wouldn't appreciate that too much. I feel like I have to go steel as many kisses as I can before I leave.
She was exceptionally sweet today! I had to make a trip to Kohl's for a few things I still needed for the trip. It was getting close to her nap time and I knew she was getting tired because she started rubbing her eyes. Instead of getting fussy, she started rubbing her face into my shoulder and would intermittently look up and give me kisses. So sweet!!

Because she's been so sick, I haven't been able to get her nine month pictures taken, so I decided I needed to take a few since she'll be almost ten months old when I get back from Jordan. They aren't "professional", but still pretty cute.


  1. She is just too cute! I just want to pick her up and give her a great big hug and kiss.

  2. Help my heart! It is so smitten, I didn't know a picture could do so much.

  3. Grandma9/01/2010

    Those are pretty nice pictures. With a phone or did you use a camera?? I like them all. I love Gemma.
