1. Baby boot camp: She got sick a while back and we developed some bad habits, so we had to re-do baby boot camp so she would go down for naps and bed time without expecting me to hold or feed her. Thankfully it only took one day...one LONG day! She now goes down great!
2. Eating solids: So far she has had a variety of veggies and has loved them all. I haven't had much luck with fruit though. She took one bite of apple sauce and refused to take another. Same with peaches. The only fruit she actually likes is banana, which makes her really constipated. I won't go into details about that, but let's just say, that was the WORST night David and I have experienced as parents thus far. Traumatizing! It was pretty bad for Gemma too of course, but at least she can't remember it anymore. I won't be giving her bananas again for a while!
3. Sitting up: She's not an expert yet, (I still need to prop a pillow behind her for when she falls) but she's getting much better at it. She looks like such a big girl sitting and playing with her toys!
4. First tooth: This process hasn't been all that fun. Teething makes for a pretty fussy baby, but I have to admit, it's cute to see her little tooth when she smiles.
I Love this video of her! Great example of her cute/sweet personality.
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