Saturday, May 15, 2010

6 Months

Turning 6 months is a big milestone and I'm feeling like I need to write something really interesting. I'm at a loss...too much pressure I think. She did have her six month check up yesterday. Little Gemma is not so little anymore! She weighs 17.4 and is 26 inches long. At four months, she was in the 50th percentile for height and 70th for weight. Now she's in the 70th and 75th respectively. See Dad (Grandpa)...she's growing into her thighs :)
All jokes aside...Gemma is perfect, healthy, and growing strong.
The newest development...rolling from her back to her tummy. It took her all of half a day to figure out she could roll from one side of the room to another. I can already tell she'll be a handful when she figures out how to crawl. It's so fun to see her change and learn new things. Katie Moe is going to be taking her 6 month pictures next week, so stay tuned!
What a difference six months makes...
10 days old
6 months old

1 comment:

  1. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I love her!
