Monday, March 29, 2010

Rolling over now

New development...Gemma can roll from her tummy to her back. I don't know how she's ever going to learn how to crawl with her track record. Initially she would fall asleep the moment she was on her stomach, now she doesn't last more than 5 seconds before she rolls onto her back.
This past weekend, she had her first sleep over at aunt Elly's house. She did great! Got lots of love from everyone, and was missed terribly by me :( David and I had a fabulous weekend in KC, but it was a little strange going to bed Friday night and not having to go through the routine of putting Gemma to bed.
My absolute favorite thing these days, is going in to pick her up in the mornings. After a while of listening to her talk, I walk in to find her straining to look at the door, and then a HUGE grin the second she sees me. I just love it!
She is so much more interactive now. She loves being sung to, and her new favorite game is now "peek-a-boo"...of course.


  1. David kind of looks like Ted Dansen here.

  2. Hahahaha well I guess he's maturing out of the Harry Potter look.
