I realized today I haven't given a nine month update on little miss...and she'll be 10 months old next week. In my defense, we were traveling back from Florida on her 9 month birthday, and we've been battling various illnesses ever since. Tis the season I guess. This month brought in fevers, pink eye, and colds for most of us, but Esmé got hit the hardest. She just finished up a round of antibiotics this morning so hopefully she can get a break, but she was basically sick the entire month of February. On top of that, we've had teething thrown into the mix...a lot of teething. The girl doesn't get a single tooth until she's 8.5 months old and then BAM, she gets five in five weeks. She's had a a couple of weeks now without a new tooth coming through, but I see three working their way in.
Other than being sick, she's been her perfectly pleasant self...although I get the feeling she'll be a very opinionated toddler. Ha! She has been my earliest baby to sit and crawl, but I don't think she'll be my earliest walker. She cruises everywhere, and has stood unassisted multiple times, but she's much too cautious to really try and walk. Maybe she'll be my "graceful" kid. Her favorite times of the day are when her older siblings run in to wake her up in the morning, and bath time..she LOVES bath time! She's very observant and social, but is definitely a momma's girl. She loves other babies, hates dogs (especially smaller dogs who like to lick her face), and is indifferent to cats. Her favorite foods are string cheese, apples, scrambled eggs with ham, stir fried veggies, pancakes, and anything else as long as it's smothered in pesto (that's right...pesto).
Her 9 month check up was more like her 9.5 month check up (everything has been late this month), and though she was pretty sick at the time, we had a great visit. She weighed 15 lbs 13oz, (15%) and measured 27.5 inches long (38%)...although I'm a little skeptical that length is accurate.
Her birthday is just around the corner! A sad thought for me, but it also means warmer weather is on its way...as well as cute little sun dresses that show off her cute chubby toddler arms. We are ready for spring!!
Who wouldn't want to wake up to people twice your size jumping in your bed. |
I had to prop her up a couple of times to help her breath. |
Gemma not letting her in the bathroom hahaha. |
She's getting to be a little sneaky. |
They were all very intently watching Tangled. Makael's face cracks me up! |
"I'm adorable regardless of what mismatched outfit I'm wearing!" |
Oh so helpful. |
Veggies with pesto. |
She LOVES pesto! |