Here we are again, celebrating another 6 month birthday. It's always a hard one for me to write about. Six months is kind of a big deal in a baby's life. They're half way done with their first year, learning new things, eating new foods, making all kinds of new's a big deal.
Six months ago we were bringing Esmé home, not knowing much about her besides that she was tiny and perfect. During those first weeks (maybe even months) there's a pretty big learning curve with every baby. Esmé was incredibly easy from day one, but I still had to figure out feedings, set a sleeping pattern, find time to eat/shower/clean, get three kids out the door, etc. At the beginning it was so much about "figuring things out" that it didn't really sink in that she was her own little person who would eventually develop her own personality, do her own cute little things, and would one day be running around playing with Gemma and Makael. I don't think it really hit me that she was "mine", and here to stay, until she was about 3 months old. Ha! But here we are, 6 months in, and while she's not running around just yet, she's most definitely her own little person, with her own personality, doing all sorts of cute things. She sits on her own now, gives kisses, says "dadada" in a very high pitch voice, rolls around, tries desperately to scoot forward while managing to only push herself backwards, puts everything in her mouth, has no real interest in baby food yet, and is 13 lbs 14 oz and 24.25 inches of pure adorable
Sitting so well! |
6 months today! |
Happy as all get out...little did she know we were headed to the doctor for her 6 month check up :(