We are ready for this snow to melt away! We've done our best to keep ourselves busy indoors, but we are counting down the days until we can go outside and play! Gemma liked the snow the first couple of days, but just like me, she's over it. Makael didn't like it from the get go, but he's never been a fan. We're ready for Spring!
Makael is not at all a fan of being cooped up in the house, so we took advantage of the time stuck indoors and started potty training. I had such a hard time potty training Gemma, that I have been dreading going though it again since the day Makael was born. That might sound like an exageration, but I'm being completely sincere. In hindsight, I started Gemma to early. I wanted her to get it so badly that I pushed her into it. She was too little, I was pregnant...lots of tears were shed by both of us (okay mainly me). Thankfully Makael has been wonderful! I had already made up my mind to wait until after baby #3 was here before even trying to potty train him, but a couple of weeks ago we were driving back from Target, and he basically told me the plot to Sandlot. I understood him perfectly, and for some reason it made me think he could probably figure out how to use the toilet too (I know, I'm not sure why I made that connection either). So...I went out and bought him some big boy undies, a bag of peanut m&ms, and started potty training. The first day was hard! He had 5 accidents before he went in the toilet. At the end of the day, the count was 8 accidents and 2 successes...and there was no evidence of anything "clicking" for him. The next day started out hard again. I even had a conversation with my mom about it, and we both came to the conclusion that he just wasn't ready. So after a rough morning I gave up and put a diaper on him (which they say you aren't supposed to do because it confuses them). Thankfully, my stubbornness came out and I decided I was NOT going to give up so easily and that diaper came off 5 minutes after it went on. Well, Makael must have understood the conversation between my mom and I, because he sure proved us wrong that afternoon. It was like a switch was turned on and he just figured it out. By day three I knew he had it figured out, but it was still up to me to figure out when to take him. By day four he was telling me when he had to go! What is it about a kid learning how to use the toilet that is so dang exciting?! I just can't believe how easy it was! I'm so proud of him! He hadn't put down his little Buzz figurine all week, so as a reward for figuring out the toilet, I got him a Woody figurine. Is this not the sweetest little boy?
Gemma and I have been doing a lot of baking...nothing fancy, just cookies and cakes. Baking is not something I typically enjoy doing, but it's admittedly much more fun when you have an enthusiastic four year old helping. She has also spent lots of time painting and riding her new bike...the perks of having an unfinished basement. I had a video of her riding it, but accidentally deleted it. I'll definitely post one later...but for now, I'm sure she would want you all to know it's a Hello Kitty bike. :)
Today was Daddy Day at preschool. I'm not sure what all they did, and I don't know how excited David was about getting there at 8:30 in the morning on a Saturday, but it looks like she had a good time.
Makael is not at all a fan of being cooped up in the house, so we took advantage of the time stuck indoors and started potty training. I had such a hard time potty training Gemma, that I have been dreading going though it again since the day Makael was born. That might sound like an exageration, but I'm being completely sincere. In hindsight, I started Gemma to early. I wanted her to get it so badly that I pushed her into it. She was too little, I was pregnant...lots of tears were shed by both of us (okay mainly me). Thankfully Makael has been wonderful! I had already made up my mind to wait until after baby #3 was here before even trying to potty train him, but a couple of weeks ago we were driving back from Target, and he basically told me the plot to Sandlot. I understood him perfectly, and for some reason it made me think he could probably figure out how to use the toilet too (I know, I'm not sure why I made that connection either). So...I went out and bought him some big boy undies, a bag of peanut m&ms, and started potty training. The first day was hard! He had 5 accidents before he went in the toilet. At the end of the day, the count was 8 accidents and 2 successes...and there was no evidence of anything "clicking" for him. The next day started out hard again. I even had a conversation with my mom about it, and we both came to the conclusion that he just wasn't ready. So after a rough morning I gave up and put a diaper on him (which they say you aren't supposed to do because it confuses them). Thankfully, my stubbornness came out and I decided I was NOT going to give up so easily and that diaper came off 5 minutes after it went on. Well, Makael must have understood the conversation between my mom and I, because he sure proved us wrong that afternoon. It was like a switch was turned on and he just figured it out. By day three I knew he had it figured out, but it was still up to me to figure out when to take him. By day four he was telling me when he had to go! What is it about a kid learning how to use the toilet that is so dang exciting?! I just can't believe how easy it was! I'm so proud of him! He hadn't put down his little Buzz figurine all week, so as a reward for figuring out the toilet, I got him a Woody figurine. Is this not the sweetest little boy?
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Taking a snooze with his friends. |
I've still been putting a diaper on him at night, but the last three days he has woken up dry. Last night he even came into our bedroom at 2:00 a.m. and told me he had to go potty. What?! I think it's safe to say we are pretty much diaper free! Until May of course...and yes, I'm still totally dreading potty training #3. Thankfully that's still a couple years away.